Camión volquetePongratz
L-RK 2315 G-AL 2,27x1,50m 1500kg
Camión volquete
L-RK 2315 G-AL 2,27x1,50m 1500kg
Precio fijo IVA no incluído
2.569 €
(3.057 € bruto)

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Precio fijo IVA no incluído
2.569 €
(3.057 € bruto)
- Ubicación:
- Am Giener 8, 55268 Nieder-Olm, DE
- Peso total:
- 1.500 kg
- Peso en vacío:
- 356 kg
- Peso máximo de la carga:
- 1.144 kg
- Longitud del espacio de carga:
- 2.270 mm
- Anchura del espacio de carga:
- 1.508 mm
- Altura del espacio de carga:
- 300 mm
- ID del anuncio:
- A709-69-29
- N.º referencia:
- Pongratz L-RK 2315 G-AL
- Actualizado por última vez:
- el 05.12.2024
Only while stocks last Remaining stock from the end of 2022
New tires available on request for a small surcharge
Hydraulics (tipping and lowering system)
- Reverse tipper
- Hand pump with steel tank mounted on the drawbar
- Double-stroke pump system
- 3-stage hydraulic cylinder
Dropside, railing and co.
- Double-walled anodized aluminium drop sides, 30 cm high
- Drop sides can be folded down and removed on all sides
- Bolted corner stanchions
- Conversion to platform trailer possible
- With durable and high-quality corrosion protection
- External eccentric locks
- Sturdy and durable hinges
Chassis and frame
- Chassis completely welded and fully bath-galvanized
- Tipper bridge completely welded and fully bath galvanized
- Low chassis 195/50R13C tires
- Towing ball coupling with safety indicator
- Automatic support wheel
Loading area and floor
- Galvanized steel floor mounted on tipper body
Lighting equipment
- Modern multifunctional lighting
- with rear fog light
- with reversing light
- 13-pin plug
Wheels and axles
- Robust rubber spring axle
- with automatic reverse function
- Maintenance-free compact wheel bearings
- Equipped with splash guards
- Wheel chocks with bracket
Lashing and securing options
- 4 lashing brackets attached to the frame
Documents and freight costs
- Freight costs to us already included
- incl. vehicle registration document (registration certificate part 2)
- Incl. COC document (EEC Certificate of Conformity)
- No further unwanted costs
- Discharge possible for an additional charge (pure TÜV fee)
Further offers and information can be found on our homepage.
I am not allowed to link these directly, so simply enter "Dapper trailer" in your search engine.
Photos may show optional accessories. Errors, changes and prior sale reserved.
El anuncio se tradujo automáticamente y se pueden haber producido errores de traducción.
New tires available on request for a small surcharge
Hydraulics (tipping and lowering system)
- Reverse tipper
- Hand pump with steel tank mounted on the drawbar
- Double-stroke pump system
- 3-stage hydraulic cylinder
Dropside, railing and co.
- Double-walled anodized aluminium drop sides, 30 cm high
- Drop sides can be folded down and removed on all sides
- Bolted corner stanchions
- Conversion to platform trailer possible
- With durable and high-quality corrosion protection
- External eccentric locks
- Sturdy and durable hinges
Chassis and frame
- Chassis completely welded and fully bath-galvanized
- Tipper bridge completely welded and fully bath galvanized
- Low chassis 195/50R13C tires
- Towing ball coupling with safety indicator
- Automatic support wheel
Loading area and floor
- Galvanized steel floor mounted on tipper body
Lighting equipment
- Modern multifunctional lighting
- with rear fog light
- with reversing light
- 13-pin plug
Wheels and axles
- Robust rubber spring axle
- with automatic reverse function
- Maintenance-free compact wheel bearings
- Equipped with splash guards
- Wheel chocks with bracket
Lashing and securing options
- 4 lashing brackets attached to the frame
Documents and freight costs
- Freight costs to us already included
- incl. vehicle registration document (registration certificate part 2)
- Incl. COC document (EEC Certificate of Conformity)
- No further unwanted costs
- Discharge possible for an additional charge (pure TÜV fee)
Further offers and information can be found on our homepage.
I am not allowed to link these directly, so simply enter "Dapper trailer" in your search engine.
Photos may show optional accessories. Errors, changes and prior sale reserved.
El anuncio se tradujo automáticamente y se pueden haber producido errores de traducción.
Persona de contacto: Sr. Eric Dapper
Am Giener 8
55268 Nieder-Olm, Alemania
+49 6136 ... mostrar
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Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Dapper GmbH
Am Giener 8
55268 Nieder-Olm
Geschäftsführer: Eric Dapper
Telefon: +49 (0) 6136 2340
Telefax: +49 (0) 6136 1392
Eintragung im Handelsregister.
Registergericht: Mainz
Registernummer: HRB44499
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE288199996
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Dieter Dapper
Quelle:Impressumsgenerator, Rechtsanwalt fürInternetrechtSören Siebert
Dapper GmbH
Am Giener 8
55268 Nieder-Olm
Geschäftsführer: Eric Dapper
Telefon: +49 (0) 6136 2340
Telefax: +49 (0) 6136 1392
Eintragung im Handelsregister.
Registergericht: Mainz
Registernummer: HRB44499
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE288199996
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Dieter Dapper
Quelle:Impressumsgenerator, Rechtsanwalt fürInternetrechtSören Siebert
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